!!!Excel VBA テーブル定義からJavaプロパティ名称作成 [Excel VBA] ' ' Upper Snake Case の列定義を、Java プロパティに変換 ' Public Function ColumnDefToJavaBeanProperty(coldef As String) Dim c As String Dim i As Integer Dim ret As String Dim isFirstAlphaFound As Boolean Dim isSep As Boolean coldef = LCase$(coldef) isFirstAlphaFound = False For i = 1 To Len(coldef) c = Mid$(coldef, i, 1) If c = "_" Then isSep = True Else If isSep And isFirstAlphaFound Then c = UCase$(c) End If isFirstAlphaFound = True isSep = False ret = ret + c End If Next ColumnDefToJavaBeanProperty = ret End Function