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Excel VBA Utilityの変更点

  • 追加された行はこのように表示されます。
  • 削除された行はこのように表示されます。
!!!Excel VBA Utility
[Excel VBA]{{category VBAソース片}}

  Option Explicit
  ' Win32 API
  Private Declare Function GetPrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "GetPrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As Any, ByVal lpDefault As String, ByVal lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As Long, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
  Private Declare Function WritePrivateProfileString Lib "kernel32" Alias "WritePrivateProfileStringA" (ByVal lpApplicationName As String, ByVal lpKeyName As String, ByVal lpString As String, ByVal lpFileName As String) As Long
  Public Const MAX_INI_LEN    As Long = 256
  Public Const INI_EXTENT     As String = ".ini"
  Public Const EXCEL_EXTENT   As String = ".xls"
  Public Const DIR_SEP        As String = "\"
  ' 設定を保存する
  ' @param book    Excelブック
  ' @param strKey  設定キー
  ' @param strVal  設定値
  Public Function setAppSetting(ByRef book As Excel.Workbook, _
                                ByVal strKey As String, _
                                ByVal strVal As String) As Long
      setAppSetting = WritePrivateProfileString( _
                          APP_NAME, strKey, strVal, getIniFilename(book))
  End Function
  ' 設定を取得する
  ' @param book       Excelブック
  ' @param strKey     設定キー
  ' @param strDefault 対応する設定値が存在しない場合のデフォルト値
  Public Function getAppSetting(ByRef book As Excel.Workbook, _
                                ByVal strKey As String, _
                                ByVal strDefault As String) As String
      Dim strBuf As String * MAX_INI_LEN
      Dim result As Long
      result = GetPrivateProfileString( _
                  APP_NAME, strKey, strDefault, strBuf, MAX_INI_LEN, _
      getAppSetting = Left(strBuf, InStr(strBuf, vbNullChar) - 1)
  End Function
  ' 初期化ファイル名を取得する
  ' @param book       Excelブック
  Private Function getIniFilename(ByRef book As Excel.Workbook) As String
      getIniFilename = getWorkbookRerativeFilename(book, INI_EXTENT)
  End Function
  ' EXCEL ファイルのプルパス、拡張子変更文字列を返す
  ' @param book    Excelブック
  ' @param extents 拡張子
  ' @return Excelのファイル名の拡張子を変更した文字列
  Private Function getWorkbookRerativeFilename(ByRef book As Excel.Workbook, extents As String) As String
      Dim chk As String
      Dim tmp As String
      tmp = book.Name
      chk = String(Len(EXCEL_EXTENT), " ") & tmp
      If Right$(chk, Len(EXCEL_EXTENT)) = EXCEL_EXTENT Then
          tmp = Left$(tmp, Len(tmp) - Len(EXCEL_EXTENT))
      End If
      getWorkbookRerativeFilename = getPath(book.path) & tmp & extents
  End Function
  ' パス名を作成(最後が'\'で終わるように整形する)
  '  @param pathName 整形するパス名
  '  @return 整形されたパス名
  Public Function getPath(ByVal pathName) As String
      Dim result As String
      result = pathName
      If Trim$(result) = "" Then
          result = "."
      End If
      If Right$(result, 1) <> DIR_SEP Then
          result = result & DIR_SEP
      End If
      getPath = result
  End Function
  ' ファイルを選択する
  ' fileFilter eg-"Microsoft Excelブック,*.xls,テキストファイル,*.txt"
  Public Function chooseFile(Optional fileFilter As String, _
                             Optional rootDir As String, _
                             Optional filterIndex As Integer, _
                             Optional title As String, _
                             Optional buttonText As String, _
                             Optional MultiSelect As Boolean) As Variant
      Dim drv As String
      drv = UCase$(Left$(rootDir, 1))
      If Not isBlank(Trim$(rootDir)) _
      And ("A" <= drv And drv <= "Z") _
      And (Mid$(rootDir, 2, 1) = ":") _
          Call ChDrive(drv)
          Call ChDir(rootDir)
      End If
      chooseFile = Application.GetOpenFilename(fileFilter, filterIndex, title, buttonText, MultiSelect)
  End Function
  ' フォルダ取得ダイアログを表示する
  ' @return 選択されたフォルダ名
  ' @param  title タイトルの文字列
  '         options    選択オプションの値
  '         rootFolder 既定フォルダの文字列
  Public Function browseForFolder(title As String, _
                  options, _
                  Optional rootFolder As String = "") As String
      Dim cmdShell  As Object
      Dim folder As Object
      On Error GoTo errHandler
      Set cmdShell = CreateObject("Shell.Application")
      '  object.BrowseForFolder Hwnd, Title, Options, [RootFolder]
      Set folder = cmdShell.browseForFolder(0, title, options, rootFolder)
      If Not folder Is Nothing Then
          browseForFolder = folder.Items.Item.path
          browseForFolder = ""
      End If
      Set folder = Nothing
      Set cmdShell = Nothing
      Exit Function
      MsgBox Err.Description, vbCritical
      GoTo closer
  End Function
  ' 文字列配列を、区切文字で区切られたテキストに展開する
  ' @param fields    展開する文字列配列
  ' @param separator 区切文字
  ' @return 区切文字で区切られたテキスト
  Public Function arrayToSeparetedValueText(ByRef fields() As String, separator As String) As String
      Dim ret As String
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = 0 To UBound(fields)
          If i = 0 Then
              ret = fields(i)
              ret = ret & separator & fields(i)
          End If
      arrayToSeparetedValueText = ret
  End Function
  ' 文字列に対する簡易ソート
  ' @param values ソート対象の文字列配列
  Public Sub bubbleSort(ByRef values() As String)
      Dim tmp As String
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim j As Integer
      tmp = ""
      For i = LBound(values) To UBound(values)
          For j = i + 1 To UBound(values)
              If StrComp(values(i), values(j), vbTextCompare) > 0 Then
                  tmp = values(i)
                  values(i) = values(j)
                  values(j) = tmp
              End If
  End Sub
  ' 指定された文字列が配列に含まれるか検査する
  ' @param str    検査文字列
  ' @param strAry 検査対象配列
  ' @return 配列に値が含まれていればTrue
  Public Function isContainArray(str As String, strAry() As String) As Boolean
      Dim i As Integer
      For i = LBound(strAry) To UBound(strAry)
          If str = strAry(i) Then
              isContainArray = True
              Exit Function
          End If
      isContainArray = False
  End Function
  ' 文字列配列に、重複項目があるかをチェックする
  ' @param values 検査対象配列
  ' @param duplicatedItems 重複項目を文字列配列にセットする
  ' @return 重複がある場合に true を返す
  Public Function duplicatedCheck(ByRef values() As String, ByRef duplicatedItems() As String) As Boolean
      Dim result As Boolean
      Dim i As Integer
      Dim tmp() As String
      Dim dupIdx As Integer
      result = False
      dupIdx = 0
      ReDim tmp(UBound(values))
      For i = LBound(values) To UBound(values)
          tmp(i) = values(i)
      Call Util.bubbleSort(tmp)
      Dim curVal As String
      For i = LBound(tmp) To UBound(tmp)
          If i > LBound(tmp) Then
              If curVal = tmp(i) Then
                  ReDim Preserve duplicatedItems(dupIdx)
                  duplicatedItems(dupIdx) = curVal
                  dupIdx = dupIdx + 1
                  result = True
              End If
          End If
          curVal = tmp(i)
      duplicatedCheck = result
  End Function
  ' @param str 判定する文字列
  ' @return 文字列が空ならTrue
  Public Function isBlank(str As String) As Boolean
      isBlank = ((Trim$(str)) = "")
  End Function
  ' Boolean を "1":True、"0":False に変換
  ' @param blv 真偽値(Boolean)
  ' @return Trueなら"1"、Falseなら"0"
  Public Function booleanToFlag(blv As Boolean) As String
      booleanToFlag = IIf(blv, "1", "0")
  End Function
  ' Boolean を "1":True、" ":False に変換
  ' @param blv 真偽値(Boolean)
  ' @return Trueなら"1"、Falseなら" "
  Public Function booleanToFlag2(blv As Boolean) As String
      booleanToFlag2 = IIf(blv, "1", " ")
  End Function
  ' フラグ を "1":True、"0":False に変換
  ' @param flag フラグ
  ' @return "1"ならTrue、それ以外はFalse
  Public Function flagToBoolean(flag As String) As String
      flagToBoolean = IIf((Trim$(flag) = "1"), True, False)
  End Function
{{ref Util.bas}}