!!!Android スタイル [Android] *http://developer.android.com/reference/android/R.style.html !!例 !!Animation ,スタイル,内容 ,Animation,Base style for animations. ,Animation_Activity,Standard animations for a full-screen window or activity. ,Animation_Dialog,Standard animations for a non-full-screen window or activity. ,Animation_InputMethod,Window animations that are applied to input method overlay windows. ,Animation_Toast, ,Animation_Translucent,Standard animations for a translucent window or activity. !!MediaButton, ,スタイル,内容 ,MediaButton, ,MediaButton_Ffwd, ,MediaButton_Next, ,MediaButton_Pause, ,MediaButton_Play, ,MediaButton_Previous, ,MediaButton_Rew, !!TextAppearance, ,スタイル,内容 ,TextAppearance, ,TextAppearance_DialogWindowTitle, ,TextAppearance_Inverse, ,TextAppearance_Large, ,TextAppearance_Large_Inverse, ,TextAppearance_Medium, ,TextAppearance_Medium_Inverse, ,TextAppearance_Small, ,TextAppearance_Small_Inverse, ,TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent, ,TextAppearance_StatusBar_EventContent_Title, ,TextAppearance_StatusBar_Icon, ,TextAppearance_StatusBar_Title, ,TextAppearance_Theme, ,TextAppearance_Theme_Dialog, ,TextAppearance_Widget, ,TextAppearance_Widget_Button, ,TextAppearance_Widget_DropDownHint, ,TextAppearance_Widget_DropDownItem, ,TextAppearance_Widget_EditText, ,TextAppearance_Widget_IconMenu_Item, ,TextAppearance_Widget_TabWidget, ,TextAppearance_Widget_TextView, ,TextAppearance_Widget_TextView_PopupMenu, ,TextAppearance_Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem, ,TextAppearance_WindowTitle, !!Theme, ,スタイル,内容 ,Theme,The default system theme. ,Theme_Black,Special variation on the default theme that ensures the background is completely black. ,Theme_Black_NoTitleBar,Variant of the black theme with no title bar ,Theme_Black_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen,Variant of the black theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen ,Theme_Dialog,Default theme for dialog windows and activities, which is used by the Dialog class. ,Theme_InputMethod,Default theme for input methods, which is used by the InputMethodService class. ,Theme_Light,Theme for a light background with dark text on top. ,Theme_Light_NoTitleBar,Variant of the light theme with no title bar ,Theme_Light_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen,Variant of the light theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen ,Theme_Light_Panel,Default light theme for panel windows. ,Theme_Light_WallpaperSettings,Theme for a wallpaper's setting activity that is designed to be on top of a light background. ,Theme_NoDisplay,Default theme for activities that don't actually display a UI; that is, they finish themselves before being resumed. ,Theme_NoTitleBar,Variant of the default (dark) theme with no title bar ,Theme_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen,Variant of the default (dark) theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen ,Theme_Panel,Default dark theme for panel windows. ,Theme_Translucent,Default theme for translucent activities, that is windows that allow you to see through them to the windows behind. ,Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar,Variant of the translucent theme with no title bar ,Theme_Translucent_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen,Variant of the translucent theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen ,Theme_Wallpaper,Default theme for windows that want to have the user's selected wallpaper appear behind them. ,Theme_WallpaperSettings,Theme for a wallpaper's setting activity that is designed to be on top of a dark background. ,Theme_Wallpaper_NoTitleBar,Variant of the translucent theme with no title bar ,Theme_Wallpaper_NoTitleBar_Fullscreen,Variant of the translucent theme that has no title bar and fills the entire screen !!Widget, ,スタイル,内容 ,Widget,Widget Styles ,Widget_AbsListView, ,Widget_AutoCompleteTextView, ,Widget_Button, ,Widget_Button_Inset, ,Widget_Button_Small, ,Widget_Button_Toggle, ,Widget_CompoundButton, ,Widget_CompoundButton_CheckBox, ,Widget_CompoundButton_RadioButton, ,Widget_CompoundButton_Star, ,Widget_DropDownItem, ,Widget_DropDownItem_Spinner, ,Widget_EditText, ,Widget_ExpandableListView, ,Widget_Gallery, ,Widget_GridView, ,Widget_ImageButton, ,Widget_ImageWell, ,Widget_KeyboardView, ,Widget_ListView, ,Widget_ListView_DropDown, ,Widget_ListView_Menu, ,Widget_ListView_White, ,Widget_PopupWindow, ,Widget_ProgressBar, ,Widget_ProgressBar_Horizontal, ,Widget_ProgressBar_Inverse, ,Widget_ProgressBar_Large, ,Widget_ProgressBar_Large_Inverse, ,Widget_ProgressBar_Small, ,Widget_ProgressBar_Small_Inverse, ,Widget_RatingBar, ,Widget_ScrollView, ,Widget_SeekBar, ,Widget_Spinner, ,Widget_TabWidget, ,Widget_TextView, ,Widget_TextView_PopupMenu, ,Widget_TextView_SpinnerItem, ,Widget_WebView, !!!Window *http://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/Window.html !!例 public class ColorChoiceActivity extends Activity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super.onCreate(savedInstanceState); requestWindowFeature(Window.FEATURE_NO_TITLE); setContentView(R.layout.main); } } !!パラメータ ,値,内容 ,DEFAULT_FEATURES,The default features enabled ,FEATURE_CONTEXT_MENU,Flag for the context menu. ,FEATURE_CUSTOM_TITLE,Flag for custom title. ,FEATURE_INDETERMINATE_PROGRESS,Flag for indeterminate progress ,FEATURE_LEFT_ICON,Flag for having an icon on the left side of the title bar ,FEATURE_NO_TITLE,Flag for the "no title" feature, turning off the title at the top of the screen. ,FEATURE_OPTIONS_PANEL,Flag for the "options panel" feature. ,FEATURE_PROGRESS,Flag for the progress indicator feature ,FEATURE_RIGHT_ICON,Flag for having an icon on the right side of the title bar ,ID_ANDROID_CONTENT,The ID that the main layout in the XML layout file should have. ,PROGRESS_END,Ending value for the (primary) progress ,PROGRESS_INDETERMINATE_OFF,Flag for setting the progress bar's indeterminate mode off ,PROGRESS_INDETERMINATE_ON,Flag for setting the progress bar's indeterminate mode on ,PROGRESS_SECONDARY_END,Highest possible value for the secondary progress ,PROGRESS_SECONDARY_START,Lowest possible value for the secondary progress ,PROGRESS_START,Starting value for the (primary) progress ,PROGRESS_VISIBILITY_OFF,Flag for setting the progress bar's visibility to GONE ,PROGRESS_VISIBILITY_ON,Flag for setting the progress bar's visibility to VISIBLE