!!!文字列をバイト配列に変換 [Excel VBA]{{category 文字化け}} {{amazon 4798122084}} !!Shift_JISに変換 !StringをByteに代入時にstrConvで、Shift_JISに変換 Sub PrintByteTest() Dim s As String Dim b() As Byte s = "abcあいう" b = StrConv(s, vbFromUnicode) ' Shift_JIS GoSub print_byte Exit Sub print_byte: Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To UBound(b) Debug.Print Hex(b(i)) + " "; Next Return End Sub !結果 call PrintByteTest 61 62 63 82 A0 82 A2 82 A4 !!Unicode(UTF-16LE)に変換 !StringをそのままByteに代入 Sub PrintByteTest() Dim s As String Dim b() As Byte s = "abcあいう" b = s ' Unicode (UTF-16LE) GoSub print_byte Exit Sub print_byte: Dim i As Integer For i = 0 To UBound(b) Debug.Print Hex(b(i)) + " "; Next Return End Sub !結果 call PrintByteTest 61 0 62 0 63 0 42 30 44 30 46 30 !!Javaと確認 *Javaでの文字コードの扱い ::Shift_JISとUTF-16LEに変換 public class PrintByteTest { public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String s = "abcあいう"; byte[] b = null; b = s.getBytes("Shift_JIS"); for (int i=0; ijava PrintByteTest 61 62 63 82 A0 82 A2 82 A4 61 0 62 0 63 0 42 30 44 30 46 30 {{amazon 4798122092}} {{include_html redirect_html, "!VBA_TO_BYTE_ARRAY"}}